Title: Big Boobs, 20 x 30 cm, acryl and glitters on canvas.
Title: Diamond Girl, 24 x 29 cm acryl and gold paint on canvas.
Title: Fohn, 24 x 29 cm, acryl on canvas.
Title: lips, 30 x 25 cm,acryl on canvas
Title: me in my room with clothes around me 1, acryl on canvas 40 x 25 cm.
Title me in my room with clothes around me 2, acryl on canvas, 30 x 40 cm
Title: lips, 36 x 30 cm, acryl on canvas.
Title: Teeth, acryl on cardboard 50 x 50 cm,Sebastian Mejia of the Grunfeld Klasse made the cardboard.
Title, eating chocolate with Christmas. 40 x 25 cm, acryl on canvas.
Title: Selfportrait, acryl on canvas, 30 x 24 cm
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